Groups evolve over time with the people in them naturally coming and going as well as the group as a whole going through the following stages:
What is a group?
a ‘group' is...
composed of three or more people who have come together for a common reason (e.g., sports teams, work groups, classrooms)
focused on activities resulting in some kind of output (e.g., scoring goals, producing a product, learning new skills.
Group members may also:
be engaged in some form of ongoing interpersonal interaction
be interested in similar things
have a shared identity with the group
contribute to some kind of output that is relevant and important to the group and its constituent individuals

What are Group Dynamics?
Group dynamics refers to...
the interactions that happen within a group
the changes that may occur in any part of the group
the actions and reactions from others that happen as a result of those changes.
Why is it important to think about group dynamics in gymnastics?
Below we are going to work through a number of key areas that may affect the dynamics of groups you are in. The questions will help you to think about your current situation and how you have worked as part of groups in the past.
Group composition
Is the group diverse (e.g., age, gender, cultural background)?
Do you have similar or different skill levels?
Are the individuals similar or different in terms of personalities?
Shared purpose / goals
What is the purpose of the group? e.g. working at a certain level for competition preparation.
Everyone will have individual goals but, what similar things will you all be working towards over time?
What is the groups mission?
Leadership and Roles
Effective leadership guides the group - in gymnastics this will come from coaches but it may also come from certain individuals that naturally like leading.
Who are the natural leaders in your group?
What roles do certain individuals naturally take on?
Communication Patterns
Are there people in your group that you are happy chatting to and that you trust to share things with?
Are there people in the group that you are happy chatting to but maybe don't share as much with?
How do you ensure that you are listening to others in the group?
Norms and Expectations
What are the norms and expectations for your group?
Have these changed because the group has changed?
Norms can be things like arriving on time or respecting others’ opinions.
Group cohesion and trust
How do you ensure you connect with new group members and make them feel welcome?
When you move to a new group how do you build trust with people and connect so you can work together effectively?
Influence and conformity
How do people in your group influence the way you behave?
And how do you try to influence others?
Do you feel like you 'fit' in the group? (remember this won't always happen straight away).
Any time that your group changes around you, or you move groups, take a moment to reflect on the points above to help you adjust and adapt to what is happening.
This content has been developed as part of our #itsmyjourney project with Valleys Gymnastics Academy